Drought Contingency Plan Stage 5 active (July 28, 2022)
As of July 28, 2022, Prairie Grove Utilities (PGU) has implemented Stage 5 of its Drought Contingency Plan. All water customers are required to conserve water and discontinue all non-essential water use. Wasting of public water during drought conditions is prohibited. Please see page 12 of the Drought Contingency Plan for a full list of non-essential water use activities.
If necessary, the water system may be limited to supply water between 6 AM and 8 PM in order to refill water storage tanks. Notifications of this limitation will be sent out by posting on www.anra.org, the ANRA and Prairie Grove Water Customer Facebook pages, and the text notification service.
To sign up for text alert notifications, text “PGU” to (800) 282-5634. The text notification service will allow customers to be notified of important information pertaining to the water system.
ANRA Drought Contingency Plan: www.anra.org/drought-plan
If you have any questions, please contact us at (936) 632-7795 or info@anra.org
Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/anratx